Monday, July 22, 2013

Theme Days?

I was thinking that a great way to make sure that I make regular blog updates would be theme days!

I would like to review episodes of Buffy, keep you updated with any interviews and paparazzi sightings of Sarah Michelle Gellar, have a day when I share my food and exercise journal with you, a day to update how my progress with the program is going, and a day to talk about religion and politics.  Okay, never mind about that last one!

But here is what I'm thinking, and the names aren't clever, so if you have any suggestions for a clever title for these names, please don't hesitate to comment:

Recap and/or Planning Monday- Any time when I have a specific goal for the SMG-Diet week days or if I want to recap on my Buffy-Diet weekend, I will share those thoughts on Monday.


Meme Monday- because I enjoy creating Buffy memes that motivate me to stay healthy!

Buffy Tuesday- espisode recap day!  My thoughts on episodes, narrations, favorite quotes, pictures, what Buffy ate, how Buffy exercised, etc.

What I Ate Wednesday- a post with pictures of my food and a screen shot of my food and exercise diary.  I plan to track my food only one or two days a week, so I will make sure to make one of those days Wednesday.

SMG Thursday- Any news, interviews, or pretty paparrazi pictures of the beautiful Sarah Michelle Gellar will be posted  here on Thursdays.

Grabbag Friday- Whatever I want to write about.  Could be more Buffy, could be random thoughts about how my program is going, could be extremely random and off-topic.  Whatever, it's my blog. ;-)

I probably won't post much on the weekends.

Keep smiling!

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