Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Anonymous "before" picture! If you know who I am...
please don't say anything!
This is me right now.  I'm working on accepting my size, but it's not working out so well.  So I thought that I would instead try to accept that I need to monitor my food and exercise in order to not get any bigger than I have already gotten...

Anyways, a little bit about me.  I'm a college senior, I am a huge SMG and BTVS fan, I love my boyfriend and my dogs, and I aspire to be something helpful when I graduate.  I want to help to make the world a better place.

Other than those things, I'd like to keep this blog anonymous for now.

I plan to weigh in monthly as well as take progress pictures monthly.  I plan to share my food and exercise journal on here, too.

The plan?  The plan is to emulate the eating habits of Sarah Michelle Gellar during the week, and to emulate the eating style of Buffy Summers on the weekend.  Exercise will be modeled after both of them.

SMG's diet is very clean, with a lot of fish and vegetables, according to what I can gather.  I will fill in the blanks where I can with that.  During the week I plan to keep it healthy and whole.

Buffy's diet is based on convenience and fun.  I will eat whatever I want on the weekends, depending on how I feel.

My exercise program will consist of biking, pilates, running, kickboxing, and strength training.  I plan to exercise 6 hours a week.

And... go!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Having something to aspire to is awesome, just remember to be the best YOU can be, and don't compare yourself to anyone else, because you're not them and can't have the exact same body as them. I can't wait to see your progress!
